Better Homes & Gardens has this to say about Modern:

"With your yearning for simplicity and love of clean lines, you add a modern edge to classic country style. The look you aim for is not quite as casual as traditional country but it's far from sterile.

"You have an appreciation for artwork -- from beautiful watercolors to handmade candlesticks and pretty pottery -- but you're very selective about what is displayed in your home. No "country clutter" for you! Since you're likely to stick to a neutral color palette, consider playing around with splashes of color in accessories like throw pillows, or with texture, perhaps by incorporating a great sisal rug or woven baskets into your space.

"You can also have fun creating an appealing juxtaposition between modern elements like a sleek coffee table or dining table and an old painted armoire or other element that speaks to the more traditional country style." 

•  Deep-Toned Walls 
•  More on Contemporary Style
